Dr. Loges GmbH & Co. Project type :Production and warehouse building Client:Max Bögl Stiftung & Co. KG
NDR Lokstedt, House 18 Project type :Crossmedia Client:Norddeutscher Rundfunk – Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts
Hamburg State Opera Project type :Reconstruction measure smoke extraction system Client:Sprinkenhof GmbH
Nordex Forum II Project type :New construction of an office building Client:Hochtief Infrastructre GmbH
New construction of WPD corporate headquarters, Bremen Project type :2 Office building Client:Köster GmbH
25hours Hotel Hamburg Altes Hafenamt Project type :Hotel Client:Groß und Partner Grundstücksverwaltungs GmbH
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences Project type :Reconstruction of laboratory areas Client:Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg / Ministry of Science, Research and Equality
New building MK Süd Othmarscher Höfe, Hamburg Project type :Residential construction Client:Bilfinger Hochbau GmbH
Logistics and office building Peutestr. Project type :Office and logistics Client:(HPA) Hamburg Port Authority AöR